As part of the OCS family, you’ll work closely with coach Johan or Linn depending on availability and who’s the best fit for your goals, needs, and preferences. Whoever you coach with, you’ll learn from Johan and get support from ALL coaches through our own app and private community, live trainings, and other extras we continue to add!
Johan Vesters
FNMS | HMCC L1 | MMU L1 | PN1 | CFL1 | NCI L1
Johan Vesters is the CEO and founder of Odyssey Coaching Systems and the creator of our 12-week “The Odyssey” health and self-development course. His expertise lies in body composition, mindset, and functional health. He is certified with Precision Nutrition (L1), CF (L1), FNMS, NCI (L1), HMCC (L1), and MMU. Johan has been coaching both in-person and online for 5 years, single-handedly changing the lives of hundreds of everyday people like yourself.
His own successful 30kg (66lbs) weight loss journey, dissatisfaction with the standard of the health and fitness space and medical system, and the realization that people CAN make a change without misleading supplement schemes and fad diets are what drove him to find his purpose of helping others too, be successful long-term.
Johan is passionate about Stoicism, self-development, music, traveling, and LOVES anything outdoors, and spends a lot of his free time in nature, reading, or lifting weights at the gym.
Favorite quote: “There is no great credit in behaving bravely in times of prosperity; when life glides easily with a favoring current; neither does a calm sea and fair wind display the art of the pilot. Some foul weather is wanted to prove his courage” – Seneca.
Linn Fossmo is an AFPT-certified nutrition coach and personal trainer. She’s experienced the ups and downs herself and overcame yo-yo dieting after coaching with Johan for two years. This gives her a unique perspective — she’s ‘been there’, can relate to her clients, and can help them work through the many obstacles that come with sustainable, long-term weight loss. Through improving her own health, fitness, and mental health, she developed a true passion for helping others.
Linn loves to lift weights, dance, travel, go hiking, and all things food – cooking healthy meals, trying new foods, and spending time with friends and family over a good meal. These healthy habits are essential for her well-being and confidence because she knows what it feels like when she doesn’t take care of herself, and she never wants to go back there. She stays true to herself, and continues to ‘walk the walk’, knowing too that it also positively impacts the people around her. Better fitness = better quality of every aspect of life!
Favorite quote: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
We strive to break the mold and go beyond conventional macro and meal plan coaching, helping those who’ve ‘tried it all’ reclaim full control of their health and fitness. Through our proven methods, we’ve successfully helped hundreds of everyday people reach their goals and achieve optimal health. It is our responsibility to share these methods in order to contribute to flattening the curve of chronic diseases, both locally and internationally.
We’re glad you found OCS, and can’t wait to be on your team! – Johan & Linn

We see a future where health and fitness coaching stands at the forefront of personal healthcare…
A future where sustainable practices are commonplace, and where we have moved on from fad diets, misleading supplement schemes, and other quick fix solutions. The health coach serves as the guide, educator, and support system for realizing and maintaining optimal long-term health.
It is our goal to simplify nutrition and provide a sustainable, repeatable solution that ultimately puts YOU back in control of your own health.
Through our nutrition and lifestyle optimization program ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘OCS’ framework, we provide you with the guidance, accountability, education, and tools needed for continuous growth and lifelong success. Our goal is not to keep you forever, but to empower you with the experience, skills, and knowledge required to break free from the cycle of unsuccessful diet attempts and finally achieve lasting health and happiness.
*The following statements go for us as a company, our clients, and anyone else involved with OCS in any way, shape, or form. By being here, you ARE part of the movement.
"Action = Everything" (Courage)
We take action, period – it’s the only thing that creates and maintains momentum; Self-doubt, setbacks, obstacles, discomfort, unmotivated feelings, failure, good days and bad days; action is a requirement for real, lasting change.
"Never Stop Growing" (Wisdom)
We seek to gain knowledge and true understanding; we challenge ourselves, reflect, seek answers, and cultivate a growth mindset; and dedicate our life to continuous growth in the pursuit of self-mastery.
"Control the Controllable" (Dichotomy of Control)
We focus on what’s within our control; we accept there will always be outside circumstances that may work for or against us; yet we will control how we respond and take full ownership of our actions and the consequences of those actions.
"Shovel the Snow" (Self-Discipline)
We own the situation and take responsibility to do the work that’s required; obstacles are inevitable and simply need dealing with – plus there are consequences to inaction. We don’t avoid, but face our problems and do the inner work needed for growth.
"Moderation in All Things" (Moderation)
Too much or too little of anything keeps us from creating the good life; so we indulge in moderation, and practice self-control; we push ourselves to expand our capabilities, and recharge; we accept that flexibility and sustainability can work together, though not without moderation.
"Protect Your Energy" (BALANCE)
Discipline and work ethic only go as far as our physical and mental batteries allow for; so we manage where our energy goes and shield ourselves from that which drains our (mental) resources – including negativity from others, as well as that from ourselves.
"Lead From the Front" (Justice)
Everything we do needs to serve the common good, not just ourselves; we set the example for those around us, to inspire and empower them to take charge of their health; we show up as the example we wish we had, and share our experiences. This makes us all part of one big collective mission to stop the global health crisis, one person at a time.

Most programs will run a quick calculation based on your age, height, weight, and activity level, and just throw you into another fat-loss phase... Unfortunately, after having 'tried it all', this usually leads to the exact thing you've been struggling with: short-term results, followed by weight regain. So, let's not do that! Instead, we first focus on fueling and nourishing your body. We get you feeling GOOD and full of energy, as we build a solid foundation of healthy habits and work through any obstacles that may have been holding you back. Long story short, instead of just jumping in, you'll be READY to create results. Fun fact: most people already lose fat and build muscle during this phase!

Once you've done the pre-work and we both feel like you're good to go, you can begin your transformation phase. Since you now have the tools, skills, and systems in place to stick to your nutrition consistently, all you need to do in phase 2 is execute. I also call this the get-sh*t-done phase. Because this phase is not something you TRY like all those other diets. It's something you DO, and you will be held accountable. The goal is to get in, do the work, make it count, and get out. The good news here is that you'll get better results, faster, which means you don't have to 'diet forever. We also don't put you on ultra-low calories (unlike most other programs), so you won't feel tired and hangry all the time.

As much as there's a worldwide obesity issue, it isn't always a weight loss problem. Most people lose quite a lot of weight doing any of those unsustainable, restrictive, low-calorie diets. More often than not, it's a weight loss MAINTENANCE problem. Because no one showed you what to do AFTER having reached your goal, you were left wondering: "Am I supposed to keep eating this little to keep the weight off? Or is it OK to go back to 'normal'? What do I do now?". This third phase is your exit strategy, where you go back to eating enough to fuel and nourish your body - in a controlled way, so you won't regain the weight you lost. You finally get to maintain your results long-term in a more sustainable, flexible, and enjoyable way.